US Banking & Credit for Foreigners
See how to access credit and become the most advanced consumer.
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Store money with top banks
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Access global credit
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Hotels and Flights on credit card points
Full access
Languages: English
Table of Contents
Let’s buy you some timePlan
Actual stepsConcept: Credit
A powerful force or the worst enemyStep 0: Mail, Phone
Forward email and Receive Texts/CallsStep 1: ITIN
Gateway into the systemStep 2: Banking
Checking Account is the foundationStep 3: Secured Credit Card
Put in a deposit for 6 monthsStep 4: Premium Cards
Better than luxury? Free luxury.Step 5: Points
Time to start the accumulationStep 6: Finding Hotels
What!? 10-night hotel stay free of charge?Step 7: Finding Flights
Cash, Points or Cash + PointsStep 8: Customer Protection
Insurance & Chargebacks = Ease of MindStep 9: Right Behavior
Ideal Outcome
Strategies to ConsiderWhat’s Next
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